I'm sorry, we no longer list example prices here, because every job is very different. Your best option is to call us at 317-559-4805 and describe your problem, and we can give you a price estimate over
the phone.
Got an unwanted visitor in your home? You need to give us a call - a family-run business with 10+ years of experience in the pest removal game. You won’t find any poisons here. We don’t use them. We know they don’t work, and we also know they’re incredibly inhumane. In fact, that’s the one thing we can promise you entirely - everything we do is safe and humane for all parties involved, including the pest. We are available 24/7 for emergency snake removal, and can safely remove all snake species in this state, but we cover all pests - armadillos, skunks, rats, you name it. To make sure the pests don’t come back, we use a combination of tried and tested sealing techniques, and a 32-point home inspection process, and we’ll ever clean up our own mess, and that of the animals. We provide attic cleanup and sanitation services, and insulation replacement when necessary. This is an essential requirement when cleaning up after a colony of bats, for example. If you want to protect yourself and your family from the disease that many of these pests can carry with them, give u a call today. We’ll do the job effectively and efficiently, for a competitive price, and we’ll even give you the knowledge you need to ensure the problem never returns.