Welcome to Pest Animal Indianapolis! We are a wildlife removal company servicing Indianapolis, IN. Got an unwanted visitor in your home? You need to give us a call - a family-run business with 10+ years of experience in the pest removal game. You won’t find any poisons here. We don’t use them. We know they don’t work, and we also know they’re incredibly inhumane. In fact, that’s the one thing we can promise you entirely - everything we do is safe and humane for all parties involved, including the pest. We are available 24/7 for emergency snake removal, and can safely remove all snake species in this state, but we cover all pests - armadillos, skunks, rats, you name it. To make sure the pests don’t come back, we use a combination of tried and tested sealing techniques, and a 32-point home inspection process, and we’ll ever clean up our own mess, and that of the animals. We provide attic cleanup and sanitation services, and insulation replacement when necessary. This is an essential requirement when cleaning up after a colony of bats, for example. If you want to protect yourself and your family from the disease that many of these pests can carry with them, give u a call today. We’ll do the job effectively and efficiently, for a competitive price, and we’ll even give you the knowledge you need to ensure the problem never returns. Call us now at 317-559-4805 for your Indianapolis wildlife control needs.
About Pest Animal Indianapolis and Our Services:
How to Kill a Rat
The biggest issue Indianapolis homeowners face after trapping a rat is actually removing it from home. Given
that releasing live rats outside your house is not recommended for several reasons, homeowners are
most frequently left with killing a rat as they only remaining an option. A lot of people are sensitive
and reluctant to kill rats, which is understandable. The very act of killing an animal is unpleasant,
to say the least, but it is the most merciful solution when it comes to rats. In fact, if you relocate
an Indiana rat from the habitat it grew accustomed to living in, it will most likely die in an agonizing way from
If you are looking for the most merciful option for the animal, killing it in a swift and painless way
would be a lot better than simply relocating it into an area it's not accustomed to. When relocated, rats
are incapable of finding food and shelter in a new environment, and will most likely die anyway.
Should you kill an Indianapolis rat you find in your home? Yes, you definitely should. The good news is, there is a merciful
way to do it. If you use snap traps to kill a rat, you will remove the animal with causing it minimum to none
pain at all. There are, however, few more ways people opt in for when killing rats, that are not as effective
and could also be dangerous. However, many of these alternative methods of killing rats, like poisoning, remain
widely popular with the majority, mainly because they seem to demand minimum distress, time and effort. Now that
we've established that killing an Indiana rat you find inside your home is the best thing you can do, we can move on to
point out a few other important questions.
How should you kill am Indianapolis rat? In general, you want to choose a method that will be safe for you and your household,
yet effective enough to cause the animal minimum to no pain. We are talking about a merciful killing of a rat. If
you choose the right method and the type of trap, it will kill a rat instantly. This way, the animal will not
suffer, and you will also face less stress and discomfort. If, however, you choose some of the less effective
methods, you might end up putting your own health and the health of your family in danger. Some chemicals widely
used to kill rats are very unsafe to the environment, in addition to being ineffective. For this reason, it is
really important for you to do a proper research before you move on to trapping and killing. There are two popular
methods of killing Indiana rats. The first method is by using lethal snap traps, while the second method includes poisoning
Lethal traps are by far the most recommended method of killing rats. Snap traps consist out of a plate that serves to
place the bait and a string that will kill a rat once it steps inside the trap to take the bait. These types of traps
are quite affordable and most effective. If you choose a right type of bait, it could take the only couple of days to
clear out an entire colony of rats that inhabited your Indianapolis home. Other than being most effective, lethal snap traps will
kill a rat instantly. The animal will die within seconds, and will feel little to no pain at all. However, you will
need to pay attention to the size of the trap, if you want it to be effective. Make sure to inform the salesperson
about the type and the size of Indiana rats you are trying to trap so that they could recommend you the best size and type
of trap.